- 생우유는 한 달 얼린 후 마셔도 되나요? (신선한 우유는 냉장고에 한 달 얼린 후 마셔도 되나요?)
- 영화 펫 어드벤처(Pet Adventures)는 중국에서 언제 개봉되나요?
- 지금 어떤 채소를 재배하는 것이 적당합니까
- 남자는 왜 엎드려서 잠을 못 자요
- 녹지원성국제공항의 교통이 편리합니까? 거기까지 어떻게 가나요?
- 피에르사 수도관의 품질은 어떤가요? 사용해 보신 분 계신가요?
- 당뇨병은 단 것을 먹을 수 있습니까?
- 포드 몬데오 인용문
- 왕젠 가문은 어떻게 멸망했나요?
- 판위 스차오(Panyu Shiqiao) 버스 정류장에서 싼자오(Sanzao)까지
- 세금 자기부담 가격은 얼마인가요?
- 고전적인 사랑 명언: 가장 아름다운 일은 당신이 사랑하고 당신을 사랑하는 사람과 결혼하는 것입니다
- Sweet Private Cat 시즌 1과 2의 전체 에피소드는 Thunder에서 패키지로 제공되거나 QQ 이메일(962555941@qq.com)로 보내주세요.
- 남자가 당신을 순수하다고 말하는 것은 무엇을 의미하나요?
- 흰눈을 가진 검은 고양이
- 국제 비즈니스 협상의 기본 규칙에 대한 간략한 설명
- 요가 강사 자격증 취득 방법
- 빅뱅이론 시즌8 줄거리
- 결혼 증명서 신청 절차
- Hongyan King Kong과 Hongyan Lion 중 어느 것이 더 좋나요?
- 영화 완벽한 감자 네트워크 온라인 시청
- 고양이 꼬리가 일어서서 흔들리는 것은 무엇을 의미하나요?
- 남성 신발 브랜드 종합목록★
- 푸저우 해상 실크로드 박람회 시간, 장소 및 교통 통제
- 시스템이 점점 더 커지는 것은 어떻습니까?
- 고양이는 구토와 설사를 하다가 회복되었습니다.
- Liby Group이 추진하는 99위안 계림 여행이 사실인가요?
- 출산 후 아침 식사로 무엇을 먹어야 하나요?
- 미친 아기 여름 캠프-작은 지방
- 노트북 충전은 일반적으로 몇 시간 동안 충전해야 합니까?
- 판진의 혁명사는 무엇인가?
- 친환경 주식
- 헹굼이 쉬운 세탁 세제, 비론과 블루문 중 어느 것이 가장 좋나요?
- 남성은 어떤 말린 견과류를 먹나요?
- qidong 국경 지역이 고속으로 통과 할 것인가?
- 흰색 시멘트로 내부 벽을 칠할 수 있나요?
- 소리는 나지만 화면이 나오지 않는 TV의 문제점(소리는 나지만 화면이 나오지 않는 TV에 대한 빠른 해결 방법)
- 현대시가 4 학년을 발췌하다
- 대리인을 통해 집을 임대하는 것이 더 좋나요, 아니면 개인을 통해 임대하는 것이 더 좋나요? 장점과 단점은 무엇입니까?
- 스자좡시에 아디다스 매장이 있나요?
- 스위스 첼로 생세포 태반 태반 일반 지식
- 전기밥솥은 어떻게 해야만 솥에 붙지 않는다
- Fujian Jianxiang Construction Technology Co., Ltd.는 어떻습니까?
- 스자좡에는 오염이 심한 날씨에 대처할 대책이 있습니다~~
- 영화 문어는 왜 못 보나요
- 가을 동파 낚시 요령은 무엇인가요?
- 페어링 지원 기록 콘텐츠
- 초봄에 먹어야 할 과일은 사탕수수, 밤, 석류?
- 영화 창당 위업 HD 번개 다운로드 주소?
- What are the public resources?
- 결혼하기 전에 어떤 준비를 해야 하나요?
- 탄화방식목재의 수명은 몇년인가요?
- 강시 작가의 작품들
- 주님, 저와 이혼해 주세요. txt 다운로드 주소 전부!
- There are several chemical plants in Yumen Old City Chemical Industry Park
- 쌀국수를 맛있게 끓이는 방법
- 석유대학교 {동중국} 원격 교육 웹사이트는 무엇인가요?
- 심천 반티엔 포시즌스 플라워 시티에서 가장 가까운 차이나 모바일 비즈니스홀은 어디에 있나요?
- 에어컨 제조업체에서는 왜 에어컨의 보습 기능을 개발하지 않나요?
- 살아있는 돼지 가격은 전년 대비 50% 하락했습니다.
- 짧고 분위기 있는 아버지의 결혼식 축사 쓰는 법 짧고 분위기 있는 아버지의 결혼식 축사 쓰는 법.
- 연갑거북의 효능, 기능, 금기사항은 무엇인가요?
- 통신사업소 전화번호는 몇 번입니까?
- 단열사다리의 특성
- 생땅콩을 먹어도 되나요?
- 발정난 고양이를 다루는 방법은 무엇인가요?
- 진주가루 사용법
- 가을의 첫 커피, 정글 깊숙이 자리한 틈새 커피숍에서 만나보세요.
- 모래시계 몸매란 과학적으로 어떤 모습일까요?
- 하트자몽과 자몽은 같은 과일인가요?
- 남녀의 일은 어떻게 나누어집니까
- 집에서 만든 돼지고기 조림 요리법 전체 목록
- 다당류 셀레네이트 캡슐의 가격은 얼마인가요?
- 돼지 가격 경고가 바뀌고, 돼지 가격 하락 폭이 커지고, 양돈 농가는 수렁에 빠졌다.
- 우스이 타쿠미의 인생 경험
- 남자가 입을 솜저고리와 라피 풀이 여자친구에게 6 주년 선물로 선물할 예정인데, 당신은 이 일을 어떻게 생각합니까?
- 개인 부품 관리
- 인구의 간헐적인 네트워크 구조는 무엇입니까?
- 카미야 히로시를 황후라고 부르는 이유는 무엇인가요?
- 끈적끈적한 네이블 오렌지를 사지 마세요.
- TV 시리즈 에비던스의 출연진. . . . .
- 스페셜티 커피 전문점 7곳을 선정했습니다.
- 스자좡 정딩 곡물국 기숙사 주변 지원 방법?
- 고양이의 어깨에 부드러운 돌기가 있습니다
- 세계 여행을 하려면 무엇을 준비해야 하나요?
- 흰새우와 함께 먹으면 안되는 것은 무엇인가요?
- Tong Xue와 Mo Shaoqian이 함께 있나요?
- 매니저의 직무는 무엇입니까?
- 신농시대에 남자는 농사를 짓고 먹고, 여자는 옷을 짜고 옷을 입고, 형벌과 정치는 쓰지 않고 다스렸는데, 군인도 없는데 왕이 된다는 것은 무슨 의미인가?
- 붉은목 새는 어떻게 먹나요?
- 백변 사쿠라와 코요테는 언제 함께 있나요
- 입자 크기 분포 특성 및 환경적 중요성
- 아동수당은 몇 살부터 지급되나요?
- 클래식 라텍스 페인트는 어떻습니까? 클래식 라텍스 페인트 가격 소개
- 사진을 보고 글을 쓰세요. 세발자전거를 타는 노인이 양배추를 팔고 있어요.
- 미셸린 립스틱은 어때요?
- 흑설탕 시럽의 건강상의 이점은 무엇인가요?
- 쓰촨성 랑종에 아는 사람이 있어요. !!!!!!!
- 새로운 음료를 개발하는 데 드는 비용은 얼마인가요?
- 에어프라이어로 소시지를 굽는 데 얼마나 걸리나요?
- 휴대폰으로 주얼리 사진을 찍을 때 어떤 팁이 있나요?
- 가을과 겨울의 별미는 무엇인가요?
- 붉은 조상 아기 드래곤은 어떻게 얻나요?
- 푸저우에서 창러 장강 해변까지 버스 타는 방법
- 피부 관리의 목적에 대해 간략하게 설명해 주세요. 뷰티 및 스킨케어 트리트먼트에는 어떤 것이 있나요?
- 남자 주인공은 구묵 여주인공 성모의 소설이다
- 서천우편번호
- 왕멍이 틱톡에서 클랭잉 로즈를 부르고 있습니다. 왕멍이 이 노래를 부른 이유는 무엇일까요?
- 모든 확률에 맞선 2위 클립의 차이점은 무엇인가요?
- 시마 소개
- 소벨 디지털을 계속 상장할 수 있나요?
- 물시금치의 효과는 지방을 낮추고 스트레스를 줄이며 설탕을 낮추는 것입니다.
- 성시진 경제 개요
- 우리 강아지 코가 너무 건조한데 흔한 질병은 무엇인가요?
- 69세의 삼촌이 한밤중에 여성 앵커를 찾기 위해 14,000개의 지방을 돌아다녔다니 말도 안 돼요! 삼촌은 앵커 여성을 어떻게 알았나요?
- 레드 와인 잔을 스케치할 때 주의해야 할 점은 무엇인가요? 예를 들어 반사 효과가 있나요?
- 지쿤탕 라이트 드링크는 무엇인가요?
- 홍잉과 바보가 결혼하는 TV 시리즈는 무엇인가요?
- TV 백라이트가 고장 나서 수리하는데 얼마예요
- 반석 임대
- 푸성 부동산 실패 : 프로젝트 공식 인감 도난, 700 억 이상의 부채, 설립자의 행방은 알려지지 않았습니다.
- 갑자기 튀어나온' 티몰 레드보우 칼라 618 빨간 봉투' 는 어떤 소프트웨어가 나왔나요?
- 돼지 심장은 돼지 간과 함께 삶아 먹을 수 있습니까
- 염성시 제 1 초등학교 경현로 캠퍼스는 어때요
- 고양이의 금기사항
- 생활 속의 근리는 어떤 것이 있을까 (많을수록 좋다)
- 볼리비아 커피 원두 풍미 특징
- Yiyang Suzuki Jinli Motorcycle은 어떻습니까?
- 백산 장백산 서쪽 경사면에 있는 신산문 상업점 판매 서비스 핫라인은 무엇입니까?
- 주하이시 재정기금 관리 조치
- 토마토소스로 탕수육 만드는 법
- 진짜 단삼륜과 가짜 단삼륜의 차이
- 빨간 처방약은 무엇을 의미하나요?
- 세무조사 보고서에 대한 청구 기준은 무엇입니까?
- 현봉앵무새는 어떤 음식을 먹나요
- 흉터 예방을 위해 현재 어떤 크림을 사용할 수 있나요?
- 실생활에서 흔히 발생하는 가스 오염물질은 무엇인가요?
- 단죽순은 산성입니까, 알칼리성입니까
- 남자가 반쯤 멈추면 좋지 않을까요
- 심플하고 분위기 있는 주얼리 숍 이름은 기억에 남습니다.
- 짧은 가죽자켓이 잘 어울리는 법
- 쉬안우구 환후 사무소란 무엇인가요?
- 두포수선(복지버전)과 유사한 경쟁 모바일 게임에는 어떤 것이 있나요?
- 행복하게 웃는다는 것은 무엇을 의미하나요?
- 커뮤니티 운영을 제대로 이해하고 있나요?
- 신화그룹은 공기업입니까, 사기업입니까?
- TV 시리즈 '하광'은 좋은 드라마인가요? 왜?
- 백반증 때문에 무엇을 먹으면 안 되나요?
- 벨트와 허리띠의 차이점은 무엇인가요? 사용 방법
- 판창 진다 파운드리 산업 클러스터 유한회사는 어떤 회사인가요?
- 가전제품 매장 이름 짓기 가전제품 매장 이름은 어떤 게 좋을까요?
- 창궐단어 전집(약 50개) 창단단어 설명_창궐이란 무슨 뜻인가요?
- 음식을 손으로 잡는 것은 실례인가요?
- 신통택배 주문서 조회, 번호: 368735795497 호의인의 도움. 감사합니다.
- 가오족의 병음 부수
- 키위 과일을 영어로 어떻게 쓰나요?
- 마운초 상자는 무슨 뜻인가요?
- 여드름 자국을 제거하기 위해 남자 아이들이 사용하는 가장 좋은 것은 무엇입니까? 남자들이 여드름 자국을 없애는 방법에는 어떤 것이 있나요?
- '옷'을 영어로 어떻게 말하나요?
- 사회 계급 계층화를 나누는 방법
- 엔젤 러브 엔딩 일본판 영화
- 슬리밍 수프 만드는 방법?
- 현재 일반대출 금리는 얼마인가요?
- 키위 딸기 과일 플래터의 의미와 가치
- 얇은 허벅지 간단한 동작 얇은 허벅지 운동 방법
- 뉴욕타임스는 중국을 칭찬하는데, 중국의 태도가 이전과 왜 그렇게 다른가?
- 드라마 '더 네거티베이터'에 출연한 배우들의 연기 수준은 어느 정도인가요?
- 칠신의 별자리는 몇 년입니까?
- Minimum wage standards in Gansu Province in 2017
- 드디어 스크린에서 응망탓과 작별 인사를 할 수 있는 영화가 나왔습니다.
- 돼지값 경고, 요소수는 안정세 유지, 옥수수는 하락세에서 반등, 양값 비정상적으로 상승, 무슨 일이 일어났나
- Messire 지참금 소설 txt 전집 무료 다운로드
- 간단하고 세련된 홈 모던 미니멀 스타일 장식 렌더링
- 쿵푸팬더2를 보고 느낀 점
- 물리 지식의 간단한 소규모 생산
- 왕지강이 가장 볼 만한 책은 어떤 책인가요
- 컴퓨터가 계속해서 다시 시작되지만 켜지지 않습니다. 어떻게 해야 하나요?
- 여자친구에게 보내는 100자짜리 러브레터
- How are the supporting facilities around Fuzhou Tea Party Community?
- 녹두 가루는 얼굴에 어떻게 사용하나요?
- 상마 인적자원 채용 전문가는 어때요
- 모니터가 무슨 뜻이에요
- 푸젠성 룽옌에서는 어떤 과일을 먹을 수 있나요?
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- The new regulations on bills have landed! The longest term of commercial bills is 6 months, and the acceptance and margin are both risky, which is good for the small and medium-sized micro-bills market to enter a new stage of development. On November 18th, the People's Bank of China and China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission revised and promulgated the Administrative Measures on Acceptance, Discount and Rediscussion of Commercial Bills (hereinafter referred to as the Measures). The Measures came into force on January 1, 223. On the same day when the Measures were issued, the Shanghai Bills Exchange also issued the Operating Rules for Information Disclosure of Commercial Bills for supporting implementation. < /p > compared with the interim measures for the administration of acceptance, discount and rediscount of commercial bills in 1997, this interim measures is the first comprehensive revision after a lapse of 25 years, and the word "temporary" in the old version has been removed from the name, which is called "new bill regulations" by the industry. < /p > "The previous version of the Interim Measures focused on business management, while the new version of the Measures focused on standardized management." Xiao Xiaohe, executive director of Jiuyin Bill Research Institute of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, believes that this shows that the bill market has developed into an indispensable tool for financial markets and serving the real economy. < /p > In recent years, the domestic economic and financial situation and the bill market environment have changed. The Measures clarify the nature and classification of relevant bills, strengthen the information disclosure and credit restraint mechanism, and more importantly, strengthen the risk control of the bill industry, and put forward targeted management requirements for the main problems existing in the bill market in recent years. < /p > What concerns the market is that many amendments to the Measures are beneficial to small and medium-sized enterprises. Among them, the long-awaited desire of small and medium-sized enterprises to shorten the term of bills has been realized. In addition, another issue discussed by the market is that the Measures put forward two risk control indicators, namely, acceptance balance and margin balance, which will regulate the behavior of market participants from the perspective of risk. < /p > The longest term of commercial bills is reduced to 6 months < /p > The longest term of commercial bills in China has experienced a dynamic change process. According to the Payment and Settlement Measures issued by the People's Bank of China in 1997, the longest term of a commercial bill is six months, but this is generally used for paper bills. In 29, in order to promote the transition of bills from paper commercial bills to electronic commercial bills, the relevant management measures limited the longest period of electronic commercial bills to one year. < /p > After the establishment of Shanghai Bill Exchange, bill trading entered the era of electronic bills. At this point, the above-mentioned "Measures" will eventually unify the maximum term of commercial bills to 6 months. < /p > This is undoubtedly a big plus for SMEs. For a long time, high accounts receivable is a "sword" hanging over the heads of small and medium-sized enterprises. < /p > "As there is still the problem of unequal market position objectively, large enterprises often take advantage of their strong market position to extend the term of accounts payable, such as extending the term of accounts payable to 6-9 months by using electronic commercial bills of exchange, which takes up too much funds of small and medium-sized micro-suppliers, resulting in the problems of accounts receivable accumulation, slow capital turnover and increased capital cost of small and medium-sized micro-enterprises." Zhao Cila, senior consultant of the Financial Market Center of CITIC Bank Shanghai Branch, told the reporter. < /p > in response to the voice of small and medium-sized enterprises, since last year, the the State Council executive meeting has repeatedly deployed support for the relief and development of individual industrial and commercial households in small and medium-sized enterprises, and studied shortening the acceptance period of electronic commercial bills from one year to six months to reduce the pressure on enterprises to occupy funds. < /p > A number of interviewees in the industry said that according to international practice, the account period of enterprise accounts receivable is usually two to three months. For example, in the United States, the term of commercial paper is no longer than 27 days, that is, 9 months; In Japan, the issuance period of commercial paper is mainly 1-3 months, accounting for about 6% of all issuance periods. < /p > This time, the Measures adjusted the maximum term of commercial bills from one year to six months, which reduced the account cycle and financing cost of SMEs from the institutional level. < /p > "The obvious policy intention of the central bank is to protect the rights and interests of small and medium-sized enterprises." Zhou Minzhi, assistant to the president of Hualin Securities and president of Bill Tribe, said. < /p > It is worth mentioning that the shortening of the longest term of commercial bills is another new change in the bill market. At the beginning of June this year, the new generation of bill business system launched by Shanghai Bill Exchange realized the detachable function of bill "change payment", that is, the amount of bill package can be disassembled into any amount from the smallest to the smallest for payment. < /p > In Zhou Minzhi's view, the shortening of the bill term and the "split" function of the new generation bill business system have greatly improved the convenience of payment for bill holders. "The original large bill cannot be applied to the payment of small transaction scenarios because it cannot be split, but now the split function enables large bills to be broken up and zeroed for different payment scenarios." < /p > In this regard, Zhao Cila also said that strengthening the bill payment function is more conducive to promoting the bills of accounts receivable. "In the market, the more short-term bills, the more people are willing to accept them. Even if a small and medium-sized enterprise gets a six-month bill, if it goes to finance, it only needs to bear the financing cost for up to six months. " < /p > because bills have both credit and capital attributes, commercial banks are the main force in allocating bill assets in the secondary market of bills. The shortening of the term of commercial bills, many people in the industry believe, may increase the interest rate fluctuation and transaction scale in the secondary market of bills in the short term. < /p > Zhou Haibin, vice president of Shanghai Pulan Financial Services Co., Ltd. thinks: "On the premise that the discounted bills are still credit assets, the overall demand of institutions to buy tickets will increase, and at the same time, due to the shortened duration of assets, institutions need to increase the frequency of band transactions to maintain the stability of profit income." < /p > Zhou Minzhi believes that the shortening of the duration of bill assets means that the interest rate may be reduced for a longer period, and the reduction of its income space also reduces the spread income of commercial banks, which tests the comprehensive management ability of commercial banks; But on the other hand, it may also reduce the discount rate of bills, which will bring good news to the bill financing of entity enterprises. < /p > The new regulations fully support small and medium-sized enterprises < /p > Besides the payment function, bill discount is also a common financing method for small and medium-sized enterprises, which embodies the financing attribute of bills. The "Measures" have made many amendments in favor of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of bill discount. < /p > Zhou Minzhi noticed that in the past, only contract invoices were submitted for discounted materials, which was relatively simple. Now, the "Measures" expand the discount materials to almost all "materials that can reflect the real trading relationship and the relationship between creditor's rights and debts". < /p > "This means that warehouse receipts, running water and other materials can be submitted as long as they conform to the real situation. On the one hand, it restores the part of' creditor's rights and debts' in Article 1 of the Negotiable Instruments Law; On the other hand, the restrictions on certification materials have been liberalized, which has been expanded compared with the original method, which will further help the bill financing to support the real economy. " Zhou minzhi said. < /p > The group that is "smaller" than the generally recognized small and micro enterprises should be the individual industrial and commercial households. After the publication of the Measures, Zhao Cila found that what everyone in the WeChat group began to discuss more was that the Measures extended the subject of ticket holders to natural persons. < /p > according to article 14 of the measures, the holders of commercial bills applying for discount should be natural persons, legal persons and their branches and unincorporated organizations legally established in the people's Republic of China. < /p > In Zhao Cila's view, adding "natural person" as the ticket holder is a big difference between this official announcement and the draft for comment, which reflects the state's emphasis on individual industrial and commercial households as the market subject, and enables hundreds of millions of existing individual industrial and commercial households and rural contracted households to become ticket holders and discount applicants for commercial bills, which facilitates the use and financing of micro-enterprises, and embodies the principle that "individual industrial and commercial households are important market subjects". < /p > With the increasing number of overdue commercial bills, the Measures also made the penalties for overdue acceptors stricter, put forward stronger disciplinary measures, and strengthened the credit restraint mechanism for acceptors. < /p > Article 36 of the Measures stipulates: "Financial institutions shall not handle bill acceptance, discount, guarantee, pledge and other businesses for commercial bill acceptors in the last two years." < /p > "This means that institutions that are not creditworthy will be removed from the bill business' list' by financial institutions in the future. Such a disciplinary mechanism has played a very important and key role in further purifying the credit of the bill market. " Zhou Minzhi further explained that this provision draws lessons from Japan's practice, and Japan's bill law implements a "non-crossing" system for non-payment of bills. This kind of sanction system is undoubtedly fatal to the enterprises that issue bills, but it plays a vital and positive role in maintaining the credit order of bills. < /p > Risk control by "two lines" of acceptance and deposit < /p > Strengthening risk control is another focus that the Measures have attracted more attention from the market. Article 24 of the Measures restricts the proportion of acceptance bills and deposits of banks and finance companies, requiring them not to exceed 15% of the total assets of the acceptor and 1% of the scale of deposits absorbed respectively. < /p > "These two lines actually regulate and restrict individual financial institutions that rely too much on bill assets and deposits derived from bill business from the perspective of risk prevention of the whole industry. Acceptance is an off-balance-sheet business for banks and finance companies. In the past, there have been cases in which risks spread because transitional acceptance could not be paid on time. " Zhou Minzhi said. < /p > A financial company, known as an "internal bank of an enterprise", is a non-bank financial institution, which mainly absorbs deposits from group members, handles loans and settles funds. Previously, its acceptance bills were also called "silver bills". However, in recent years, there are not a few cases in which financial companies have been punished for irregularities in bill business. < /p > The case mentioned by the market is the case of Finance Company of Baota Petrochemical Group. Baota Petrochemical Group used to be a "star-class" private enterprise in northwest China. From 216 to 218, it relied too much on its financial companies for bill financing, which led to the explosive growth of bills payable. Finally, it fell into a debt of 1 billion yuan and "thundered", making its founder become a "prisoner" from the "richest man" in Ningxia, and the ending made the market embarrassed. < /p > This time, the Measures specifically defined the scope of acceptors of various commercial bills, defined the scope of "silver bills" and "financial bills", and stipulated that "silver bills" were commercial bills accepted by banks and rural credit cooperatives. < /p > For banks, the above two assessment indicators are mainly aimed at some banks' blind use of acceptance bonds as the main means to absorb deposits, so as to prevent the liquidity risk caused by the sudden drop of debt-side deposits after bank acceptance bills are paid at maturity, but the assets-side loans have not been recovered. < /p > The reporter learned that in order to cope with the pressure of regulatory assessment indicators, many commercial banks issued a large number of bank notes at the end of half a year, the end of the year and other assessment time points to absorb acceptance deposits to increase deposits to meet the assessment requirements of loan-to-deposit ratio. This operation has become normal. < /p > "However, the deposits of these acceptance bills are different from ordinary deposits, and the silver bills issued have maturity dates, for example, they will expire in half a year, one year and other nodes. Once the centralized payment period is reached, the deposit of acceptance bills previously absorbed by banks will fall' cliff-like' with the payment of silver tickets. The loans released during this period cannot be recovered at the same time, which will lead to bank liquidity risks. " An industry insider revealed. < /p > It is worth noting that the "two lines" have been implemented since January 1, 224, giving some individual small banks and financial companies floating up and down the "two lines" a transition period, and they have one year to make business adjustments and preparations. < /p > Many interviewees believe that Article 24 will not have a significant impact on the current bill market as a whole. < /p > According to the data of China Merchants Securities, there is little pressure to rectify the maximum acceptance balance of listed banks. By the end of June 222, the total balance of bank acceptance bills of 42 A-share listed banks was 1.24 trillion yuan, which was only 4.2% of the asset size, far below the upper limit of 15%. From the perspective of specific banks, the ratio of acceptance balance to total assets is lower than 15% except Zheshang Bank, and Ping An Bank and Qilu Bank are around 15%. Generally speaking, the acceptance balance of stock banks is large, and the ratio of acceptance balance to asset size of state-owned banks is very low, both below 5%.
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