전통문화대전망 - 음식 관습 - Tel: 88888-010, 88888-Beijing area code, how to express it so that people can remember it and understand it easily?

Tel: 88888-010, 88888-Beijing area code, how to express it so that people can remember it and understand it easily?

I think what you are doing is superfluous. You have to follow the public’s psychology and number-keeping habits for your phone number. For example, your number is 8888 8010 or five 8 010 according to people’s habits. Respect the public's own psychology and don't try to impose your own ideas on them. This number is very good. Some people remember this number like this, with an 8 in front and an area code after it. But if the things you modified yourself are too complicated, at least that’s how it feels to the public. The simpler you want to remember, the easier it will be for people to remember, so you don’t need to think so much, just highlight your original number 88888010, so that Everyone remembers it according to their own habits. I believe no one can understand it like this "Telephone number: 88888-Beijing area code/+Beijing area code", so I still use the phone number as it is and let the public use their own habits. The best way is to write it down. We have been dealing with phone numbers since we were young, so you can't change people's habits, so the best way is to keep your phone number as it is.