전통문화대전망 - 건강 문화 - What is housekeeping?
What is housekeeping?
1 Housekeeping refers to the management of family affairs. "Government" refers to administration and management, which includes three contents: first, planning and decision-making; second, leadership, command, coordination and control; third, reference, supervision and evaluation. 2. Housekeeping refers to things related to the lives of all or part of the family members in the small group of the family. It has a meaning of "official affairs" and also contains the meaning of "important matters". In practice, it requires us to focus our main attention on major and important matters in housekeeping, that is, first of all, we should do a good job in important matters related to the overall situation. Of course, big things and small things are related to each other, and small things cannot be ignored. 3. Housekeeping also refers to the rules or codes of conduct for family life. There need to be some regulations on behavior and relationships in family life. Some are written down, some are verbal agreements formed through negotiation, and some become unwritten customary rules in long-term common life. These rules may be comprehensive or individual. For example, special provisions are often required for study and entertainment. 4. Housekeeping refers to practical knowledge, skills and techniques in family life. Family affairs are very specific and practical. People's cultivation, understanding, and management must be combined with daily behaviors to express their intentions and realize their wishes. In short, housekeeping is the scientific understanding, scientific management and practical operation of various affairs related to various family members in the family, so as to facilitate the peace and comfort of family life, ensure the harmony and intimacy of family relationships, and ensure the overall development of family members.
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