전통문화대전망 - 전통 공예 - How many questions are there in Xiao Xiurong’s 1,000 questions?

How many questions are there in Xiao Xiurong’s 1,000 questions?

1000 questions.

This book is written in strict accordance with the requirements of the latest ideological and political theory syllabus for the postgraduate entrance examination. It is based on the "knowledge scope of the examination" and "basic question types" stipulated in the syllabus. Based on appropriate principles, 1,000 test questions are carefully formulated around the basic theories and basic knowledge of each course and in accordance with the requirements of "basic, standardized, novel, and typical".

The test questions emphasize and highlight the "exemplary nature" of the questions. The knowledge points tested are both comprehensive and focused. The interference items of the multiple-choice questions are designed reasonably and cleverly, which can effectively help candidates understand and identify the key points of the question design. "trap" .

Xiao Xiurong, a native of Fujian, is a professor and graduate tutor at the Minzu University of China. He has long been engaged in research and teaching on the basic theories of Marxism. He graduated from the Department of International Politics of Peking University (now the School of International Relations of Peking University) in 1967. From 1991 to 2004, he was a member of the proposition group of the National Master's Degree Political Theory Entrance Examination of the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education.

He once served as deputy leader of the political proposition group and leader of the subject group, and participated in the revision of the political syllabus for postgraduate entrance examinations over the years and the compilation of the "Political Theory Review Reference Book" ("Little Red Book"). 14 years of experience in political propositions for postgraduate entrance examinations have undoubtedly made Professor Xiao Xiurong the most influential proposition expert.